
What is DivorceCare?

DivorceCare is a support group held at Newstart Church geared to helping individuals work through the emotions that go along with divorce or separation. Whether it’s recent or from the past, it’s never too early or late to begin healing. Newstart would love to partner with you throughout this process.

Class details

Our DivorceCare series lasts for 13 sessions and takes place Thursdays from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. There is a one-time fee of $20 to cover class materials. Childcare is available.

Our next series will begin January 25, 2024 and runs through April 18, but you are welcome to register and join at any point during the 13-week series.

We will be offering another session starting in later in the year.

Please contact Katie Bock with any questions about our DivorceCare program.