Partnership Course

Welcome to the online portion of our Partnership Course through which you will discover the foundation, beliefs, vision, and structure of Newstart Church.
The first 80% of our course is online. The final 20% will be in person.
Be sure to register for one of our in-person sessions at the bottom of this course.

Session 1 - 2:37


Greg McNichols welcomes you to the course! 

Session 2 - 5:54

The Importance of Participating in a Local Church

Desiree Caluza teaches the importance of being connected and involved in a local church.

Session 3 - 5:09

Why is Newstart a Part of the Church of the Nazarene?

Greg McNichols shares why Newstart is a part of the ministry organization of the Church of the Nazarene and what it means. 

What We Believe Video Explanations

Articles of Faith 1 - 5

Articles of Faith 6 - 9

Articles of Faith 10

Articles of Faith 11 - 16

In order that we may preserve our God-given heritage, the faith once delivered to the saints, especially the doctrine and experience of entire sanctification as a second work of grace, and also that we may cooperate effectually with other branches of the Church of Jesus Christ in advancing God’s kingdom, we, the ministers and lay members of the Church of the Nazarene, in accordance with the principles of constitutional legislation established among us, do hereby ordain, adopt, and set forth as the fundamental law or Constitution of the Church of the Nazarene the Articles of Faith, the Covenant of Christian Character, and the Articles of Organization and Government here following.

Find out more about the Articles of Faith

Dive Deeper

Session 4 - 4:44

Greg McNichols’ Call and Passion to Found Newstart 

Why did Newstart begin? In this video, Greg McNichols shares his calling to start this church. 

Session 5 - 9:32

Mission and Vision of Newstart 

In this video, you will discover why you are an important part of Newstart! 

Session 6 - 3:19

How to Participate

Nate Porter shares on the importance of getting involved. 

Session 7 - 3:19


Desiree Caluza closes out the main portion of the Partnership Course.

Session 8

Partnership Course Live

Join us in person at Newstart for our final portion of the Partnership Course.

Our next live session will be March 11th at 6:30pm, click the link below to sign up!

Session 9

Bonus Materials

Newstart Church Operations

What are Equipping Pastors? (Video)

How the Church is Funded

Teachings on Biblical Stewardship

Cautious Debtor (Video)

Diligent Producer (Video)

Generous Giver (Video)

Media Podcasts

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