Greg Stories

A collection of Greg's written stories and teachings
for learning, leadership, and personal growth.

Haggai 1:4: The Silk Sheets Dilemma
Sunday Teaching Greg McNichols Sunday Teaching Greg McNichols

Haggai 1:4: The Silk Sheets Dilemma

Just like Marvin Hagler's struggle with the silk sheets, there's a potent allure to comfort that can grip us all; it's a timeless tale that weaves its way through the very fabric of human existence. This pull between aspiration and comfort, struggle and ease, is seen in the book of Haggai when the Israelites faced a similar dilemma. The amenities and luxuries of life were overshadowing a much grander calling. Let’s turn our attention to the 6th Century B.C., to the land of the Israelites.

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The Suffering Servant - Isaiah 53:11
Sunday Teaching Greg McNichols Sunday Teaching Greg McNichols

The Suffering Servant - Isaiah 53:11

This promise of salvation is not merely a ticket to get you out from under Nebuchadnezzar's thumb. It's a promise of something more profound: A complete spiritual restoration. God plans to save you, not by flexing His muscles and declaring dominance, but by humble service and bearing our sorrows and sins (53:4-5).

This poetic prophecy offers your frozen despair a warming bonfire of hope. God is still with you, even in the thick of your suffering. And more importantly, He's making a way for you, promising prosperity (52:13; 53:10) and demonstrating a new way to victory, not through might, but through sacrifice and love.

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Fear of the Lord - Proverbs 1:7
Sunday Teaching Greg McNichols Sunday Teaching Greg McNichols

Fear of the Lord - Proverbs 1:7

Let's dwell on this phrase, the "fear of the Lord." It can seem an odd choice of words, can't it? One might think, "Am I to be scared of God?" However, Solomon is not talking about cowering in fright. No, this is something more profound and far more meaningful.

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Sunday Teaching Greg McNichols Sunday Teaching Greg McNichols


He is still using his birth name and male pronouns. He also has no clue as to how he is going to address his bodily discomfort. He is not prepared to make decisions about puberty blockers or hormone treatments. He just knows he doesn’t want the path his body is on to continue.

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When helping hurts
Sunday Teaching Greg McNichols Sunday Teaching Greg McNichols

When helping hurts

Followers of Christ recognize our feelings can often mislead us into self-destructive and relationally destructive behaviors…

For the empathy-based moralist, personal feelings point us to our truth. Our sexual feelings should be explored free from boundaries. Also, we should live as who we feel we are, even if it contradicts physical reality. The empathy-based moralist believes they should always get to do whatever they want, whenever they want (See Romans 1:18-30). And if you oppose their view, it’s social jail for you!

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